Thursday, August 5, 2010

August Heat

It's summer. It's hot. C'est chaud! C'est chaud! I live up in the North East so heat is not something I (nor my French grandmother) tolerate well. I know, it's nothing compared to living down south, but when its in the 90s and your house doesn't have air conditioning, the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven, the stove, or even the lights. But people still need to eat. That meant cereal for breakfast. I prefer Rice Chex cereal. It's gluten free and is now coming out with some different flavors. Cinnamon sugar is the best. However, as most people with allergies know, it's not good to eat the same thing every day because you risk becoming allergic to that as well. So in attempting some sort of  'rotation diet' I had EnviroKidz Gorilla Munch. It's made with corn meal which is a nice break from rice all the time.
I usually use rice milk in place of milk, and this may seem odd, but I used orange juice instead of any type of milk what-so-ever. This was something a family friend used to do...pour orange juice on his cereal.  Quirky? Sure. But it's dairy free, gluten free, egg free and more. It's cheap, common, and sweet! Oh and fortified with calcium for those of us who can't have dairy.

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